• Splenetic

Homo idioticus.

I'm an idiot.

After my feeble drawing attempts I moved to a place I knew it would be likely to meet or at least see Her. I spend my time fo a while, and near nine p.m. I decide She's not going to go by. I start walking and what happens: She comes towards me cycling. And what do I do? I act like a fucking child, a teenager, and pretend to begin to wipe my eyeglasses. I pretended to wipe my glasses! For two weeks I hadn't seen Her at all (and I would have actually had something to say to Her) but when I unexpectedly see Her, I pretend to wipe my fucking glasses!!!

I'm a fucking idiot.

See? Even this (http://www.addictinggames.com/theidiottest.html) proves it. I just do the same things over and over again in my infinite stupidity!