Right now, on a normal week, I would be enjoying my translations lecture. Stupid lecture-free week!
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Currently I'm (or should I say, s h o u l d be) typing in my various essays. That pain-in-the-ass Macbeth is still breathing on my neck and I should proceed to the next phase of the dialogue exercise (add the phatic uttarances, that is; next and to my luck the last phase is to make a fine distinction between the speakers through the language they us, in this case the other should speak very stereotypic women's language and the other should have a distinctive dialect). Then there is the fly-in-the-ointment translation studies paper to finish, not to mention the usual weekly school work: translation (task 7, I think), reading A Portrait a little further (this is probably the nicest part of the week, alongside the translation), doing my weekly homework for the English development course... But I have to do these all. If not because they give me some masochistic pleasure but because that is what I am to do; and besides, I probably learn something useful. So now that I've had my daily whining I could actually do something worthwile (can somebody tell my, by the way, where the name Wentworth [the Prison Break guy] comes from?).
And I miss Wanderer to lighten up my day. This week sucks (to use such a teenager verb...)!
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The Meme of the Day:
The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz (http://www.4degreez.com/misc/seven_deadly_sins.html)
Your Sins are Revealed, Your Fate is Sealed...
Your sin has been measured. You have committed many sins, but Wrath is the mortal sin that has done you in. Just below, discover your full sinful breakdown and learn what it is about you that codemns you to hell.
Wrath - Very high
Pride - High
Greed - High
Lust - Medium
Envy - Medium
Gluttony - Medium
Sloth - Medium
4 kommenttia
28.2.2007 02:16
Is taht Queen's English, sorry I have never heard Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth.
28.2.2007 13:28
Yeah, I suppose it's Old English, or Catholic English, actually. Wrath is anger, greed is sometimes referred to as averice (quite unknown to me as well, never have used in a single text in my life), gluttony is overeaten (or overdrinking) and sloth is lazyness.
These words are very difficult to use in "normal" English without sounding slightly ridiculous or posh. And as for the Queen... she really does use Old English vocabulary... a little archaic words appear in her speeches. Should I refer to her with a capital letter, though?
28.2.2007 16:27
Yes, dear,you should.
1.3.2007 16:21
"Dear"... congratulations, you're the second person ever who's called me with that word. And maybe I'll remember the capital letter next time.