Päivä yksi: Despair: Fucked again.
Päivä kaksi: Dismay: Oh, fuck it.
Päivä kolme: Aggression: Fuck you.
Päivä yksi: Despair: Fucked again.
Päivä kaksi: Dismay: Oh, fuck it.
Päivä kolme: Aggression: Fuck you.
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4 kommenttia
19.3.2008 18:37
Päivä n: Realisation of the absurd in about all there is to be realised:
19.3.2008 20:10
Agreement: You're fucking right.
21.3.2008 13:36
Are you really so fucked up?
21.3.2008 19:50
These are the days that i am, in a way, kind of fucked. But, in my mind, the f word has multiple meanings in itself, and can give the impression that it's more dramatic than it really is for me.
F word is an angry word. And somehow sad and fun at the same time. But you can also play with it. Use it to underline things.
So I have no one answer to your question i guess.