EU-parlamentista kymmenen kohdan suunnitelma homo-oikeuksien puolesta

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Europarlamentin puhemies Schulz keskellä, kuva Intergroupin sivulta

ILGA Europe ja EU-parlamentin homojen ja lesbojen oikeuksia seuraava "intergroup" järjestivät keskiviikkona tapahtuman, jonka yhteydessä 184 EU-parlamentaarikkoa allekirjoitti "Be Bothered" -julistuksen. Julistuksessa on kymmenen lupausta, jotka tähtäävät homojen, lesbojen ja transihmisten lainsäädännölliseen tasa-arvoon Euroopassa. EU-parlamentaarikot lupaavat myös tehdä tyotä homofobiaa vastaan.

Allekirjoituksia saatiin 23 maan EU-mepiltä viidestä parlamentin poliittisesta ryhmästä. Italiasta oli hyvin vähän allekirjoittajia. Bulgariasta, Liettuasta, Latviasta ja Slovakiasta ei tullut ainoatakaan alllekirjoitusta. Saksalaiset kristillisdemokraatit eivät allekirjoittaneet julistusta. Sen sijaan viime viikolla valittu uusi EU-parlamentin puhemies Martin Schulz (sosdem) oli allekirjoittajana. Hän sanoi ääneen, että hän aikoo toimia tasa-arvon puolesta.


Suomesta allekirjoittajia olivat: Satu Hassi, Ville Itälä, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Sirpa Pietikäinen, Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Tarja Gronberg ja Carl Haglund.

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Nämä mepit eivät allekirjoittaneet julistusta: Sari Essayah, Eija-Riitta Korhola, Riikka Manner, Mitro Repo, Sampo Terho, Hannu Takkula. Syyt kannattaa kysyä heiltä itseltään.

Julistukseen on saatu allekirjoituksia myös eri puolueista. Tässä 71 suomalaisen tukijan lista

Kymmenen kohdan ohjelma

(valitettavasti vielä ainoastaan englanninkielisenä)

1. Adopting ambitious EU legislation on equal treatment
I pledge to continue to support and to actively work towards the adoption of an EU multi-ground anti-discrimination directive as an essential step in ending the hierarchy of rights.

2. Ensuring the right to free movement in the EU for LGBT people
I pledge to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are able to exercise their right to free movement in the EU with their families, including by closely monitoring the implementation of the Freedom of Movement Directive and by supporting measures to increase mutual recognition of partnerships.

3. Increasing explicit recognition of transgender people’s rights
I pledge to call for explicit recognition of the rights of transgender people in EU law, including by ensuring adequate coverage of transgender people in future EU gender equality legislation and policy and by closely monitoring implementation of the Gender Equality Directives with regard to their coverage of transgender people.

4. Combating homophobia and transphobia through criminal law
I pledge to call for a Framework Decision on homophobic and transphobic violence, hate crime and hate speech following the recommendation issued in the legal study on homophobia of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency.

5. Promoting an inclusive definition of family
I pledge to promote a definition of family which recognises the diversity of family relationships, and to ensure that the needs of LGBT families are increasingly reflected in EU policy and legislation (e.g. the Parental Leave Directive).

6. Acting as the EU’s fundamental rights watchdog, including on LGBT rights
I pledge to hold EU Member States accountable to their human rights commitments and to be a voice against human rights violations targeting LGBT people in the EU (e.g. freedom of assembly, asylum of people at risk of persecution).

7. Protecting LGBT rights in Europe beyond the EU
I pledge to promote the human rights of LGBT people within the European Neighbourhood Policy, the EU Central Asia indicative programmes and Enlargement through political dialogue and recommending adoption of inclusive anti-discrimination laws.

8. Protecting LGBT rights in the world
I pledge to support Parliament resolutions and actions condemning human rights violations against LGBT people outside the EU and calling for the end of criminalisation of homosexuality.

9. Calling for an explicit commitment to fundamental rights from the new EU Commission
I pledge to prioritise the commitment to fundamental rights and equality in the approval of the new European Commission and to call for an explicit expression of this commitment by all the members of the EU Commission.

10. Ongoing commitment to the EU agenda in the area of non-discrimination and equality
I pledge to support programmes that ensure continued EU funding for effective and necessary action to combat discrimination and promote equality on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

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