It can't rain all the time... New Post!

And then she said...

Hmmm, why is it that my paperwork won't fill itself out..?

I really have to look into this sexetary thing!

Speaking of sex... I wonder if I still know how?

As a friend of mine put it the other day: Don't worry, it's just like riding a dyke...

My puppy...

Does not know how to play catch, I throw or kick the ball and he sits on my feet and wags his tail...

I encourage him to chase it and he rolls over and wants me to rub his tummy...

I point to the ball and say: Get it...

And he smiles at me...

Of course, he is only 6 months old and has only recently learned that the indoors are not for peeing in and he is almost proficient at that now... He is far too sweet of course, so I forgive all...

Anyway, there is a new babe on CSI, Sofia? With an accent, who looks devastating in a 'do-me and don't stop' killer-red evening gown and four inch high 'come f*ck me' heels. I can't wait to see how she will interact with the other female characters on the show...

Especially Sara...

Well OK then!

I have to go play house now, no more internet fun until later... I have a plumbing problem, a dog to wash, laundry to do...

Why on earth are people in such a hurry to grow up anyway?

I think I will have to make myself a cappuccino in order to face the rest of the day...

However, CSI comes tonight, so I get to soothe my 'Savage Lesbian Beast' by watching ultra-babes bounce across the screen.

Jorja Fox is very, very hot in this season, like she has come out of her shell...

Off to juggle life now!

My bad...

I was supposed to be working tonight, but then I got caught up reading...

Oh well, there's always tomorrow, or at least I hope so anyway.

An artist of note, by the way, is a woman called Patricia Barber... A Jazz singer, composer, a recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship... And...

A lesbian...

There is just something about her voice, and her music...

A girl can dream...

Ice Cream...

I got a phone call from a friend today...

Anyway, it reminded me of another time, when this friend asked me what to do about her tongue getting tired an her jaw cramping. (She had just come out and had her first girlfriend. They are still together, aww...)

Since when did 'I' become the lesbian sexologist?

I took her to an Ice Cream parlour and bought her a double scoop in a cone and some big gum balls.

Straight (Yes I know, the word 'Straight' and me hardly go together in a sentence...) faced I instructed her to eat the ice cream without eating the cone itself and to then chew at least 3 of the gum balls at the same time.

I sagely told her that if she did thus every day, her stamina would increase...

After some very long moments, my friend processed what I said and then proceeded to chase me with the ice cream while I howled with laughter.

After the danger was over, I reassured her that she would get used to it and one day would look back in fondness at her sore neck and jaw cramps.

We used to go out and eat every weekend, I miss her...

The stories those dinners and the subsequent 'post-dinner' events generated are damn funny...

And so...

Clean sheets, blankets shook, mattress turned and beaten, time for bed, what bliss, even though I go alone...

I had the oddest dream last night...

A bunch of Olympian Gods and Goddess' were rampaging around waging war and peace and making love and weaving webs of deceit, rather like the mythology suggests that they did...

Anyway, it seems a whole slew of female Gods were interested in me, and I have this feeling that I was not exactly mortal. I was not a Goddess or anything, just not a mere mortal, whatever that is. *shrugs*

Athena and Artemis were removing my armour and were about to do 'something' and my stupid alarm clock woke me up!!!

Ah well, maybe they will come back and say 'hi' tonight...

Oooh, Olivia...

So, recently (well ok about 2 months ago) I became the proud parent of a new computer...

Thanks to all the bells and whistles that the new machine has, I can do many more things than I was able to before.

Today, while testing some of my software, (Yes, I did get some work done too. Sheesh...) I decided to have a look at this page:

Most of the shows offered on the page are not so interesting to me, but when I saw the Law&Order: SVU section, I decided to have a look-see.

Oooo... Mariska Hargitay (Detective Olivia Benson) is Phat!

I am gonna need to get a splash-guard for my keyboard...

The clips are linked somewhat haphazardly, but I especially enjoyed the clip called: Brown Eyed Girl

Monday, monday...

I need to work... Websites to build, homework to complete, yard to secure, paperwork to do...

But I don't wanna!

I want to sit, sip more coffee and then take a nap!

I so need a sexetary...

You know, a woman to sit at my desk with nothing on but two pencils to hold her hair up and reading glasses on her nose, who will take dictation...

Ooo, now there is a visual! (I'm so bad...)

Must go work, don' wanna!

Dog days...

I wish...

Wire in The Blood was fine tonight, but I have noticed that the better of the two part episodes, is usually the second one. The first being a kind-of buildup, like foreplay...

I have a thing for cop-shows, what can I say, always have. I don't actually have a thing for cops necessarily, but a woman in uniform can get my socks all a-twirl, that is for certain; owh lah lah.

I remember once while I was in a grocery store when I lived in the US, a pair of female Air Force pilots, in their flight-suits showed up to, I dunno, buy 'Pilot Food'... I am quite certain I walked smack-bang into a wall on sight, sometimes I can be SO unsubtle! Heh...