Etsitään haastateltavia tutkimukseen riippuvuudesta paranemiseen * Call for participants / study on addiction recovery

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  • 3.8.2012 17:10
Hei, välitän eteenpäin viestiä, jossa queer-tutkija etsii haastateltavia. Haastattelun kieli on englanti, jos vain mahdollista.

Call for participants / study on addiction recovery

Olen jatko-opiskelija Englannista ja etsin osallistujia multimediatutkimusprojektiin, joka käsittelee päihderiippuvuudesta toipumisen kokemuksia. Osanottajien yksityisyyttä ja anonyymiyttä kunnioitetaan ja kulut korvataan. Olen erityisen kiinnostunut LGBT-osallistujista. Yhteydenotot ja kysymykset mielellään englanniksi osoitteeseen: Emma -


I'm a queer feminist post-graduate student doing a masters degree in Visual Anthropology at the Freie University in Berlin.

For my thesis I am planning a multi-media project exploring the experience of addiction recovery in Finland. I am a recovered addict myself so this project is important to me on a personal as well as academic level. I feel stories of recovery are really important, both to inspire and to build collective strength. I feel they don't get heard often enough and that our experiences are often invisible.

The project will mostly take the form of recorded interviews and I would also be interested in finding ways to visually describe participant's stories, if they are open to this. This could take the form of photography, drawings, art work, video or anything that people feel comfortable with. It is not an essential part of the study, the interviews are the most important part. So it is also possible to just be interviewed and nothing else, if this is preferred.

I particularly want to focus on the experience of queer and trans people, though I am also interested in hearing from women who don't identify as queer or trans. Age is not important, what is important is that you have personal experience of recovery and feel comfortable sharing this. All privacy and anonymity will be upheld and nothing will be used without discussion and permission.

As I am a native English speaker, I was planning for interviews to be in English. But if you know of someone who would be interested but who doesn't speak much English, I can arrange for a translator.
I am particularly focusing on substance addiction (alcohol, drugs etc.), though I am also aware that people often experience multiple addictions to different things so I take this into account.

The final results of the project will be displayed in an exhibition in Berlin and may also be shown elsewhere in Europe.

Each participant will receive €30 to cover personal expenses. For questions or more information, please contact Emma at: