It can't rain all the time... New Post!

Honey, I'm homo!!

Err, I mean: 'Home'...

No wait, I am homo, so... Uh...

I am running on fumes right now, gimme a break, I can barely focus... Heh, but it is good to be back on my own computer, not that I did not appreciate the generous loan of a computer, but nothing is as good as ones own bed or computer...

Of course, if it had Mariska or Jorja on it, even a concrete slab would be heaven... And who cares about computers then...

Which reminds me, has anyone seen this MTV show, hmm, Cribs? You know, where they go inside the homes of the rich and famous...

Yesterday, while visiting my brother, I watched part of the show: This one guy, some footballer, had like 30 TVs in his house, I mean even the shower had a TV...

And then his wife is like: We have these two TVs at both ends of the tub, so we take baths together and watch TV, it is so romantic...

Uh... If I am taking a bath with someone, TV does not even enter my sphere of notice... Uh... I was actually a little surprised they had children...

But I digress... Off to unpack my brain, more later!

Still in Helsinki!!

But going home tomorrow morning... It has been a fun trip, but tiring... Ironically, I have done very little while here, but still, it has been much fun!

So anyway, Wire in The Blood was superb tonight, though dark, they are really developing the individual character roles of the people that make up the show...

And Carol Jordan was just a delight...

I actually saw a woman who looked a lot like the actor who plays Carol Jordan yesterday, needless to say I stared for a few minutes too long... Sometimes I can be so unsubtle...

I am glad to be going home though, but I hope that I will be back in Helsinki sooner rather than later, I really have had a fine time... I also adore the idea of becoming a little more involved with the lesbian community here...

Away to bed I go! And though this little computer has been just fine, I am so looking forward to getting back to my own Pet PC, I do hope it has not been too lonely without me...

And now, I disappear into the night...

More yammer from Helsinki...

Oh boy, what a long day... But it was fun... My meeting went well and then I got to attend a small and intimate party at someone's house... So an evening to making women laugh and just soaking up the atmosphere...

I even put on a performance which I entitled: How a lesbian eats... I really should try to get my way into clubs or something... I have fun making women laugh... I love it...

Anyway, it felt so good to be in a company of women, even if I was mainly an invited observer... NO need to watch my P's and Q's... Fun...

But I am dead tired now, can't even spell... Not that I really spell so well anyway, but right now I can barely hold my head up and if I fall asleep here, I will get qwerty face, from the keyboard...

I have not decided if I will go home tomorrow, it all depends on how I feel when I wake up, my health is more important than some schedule and being over-tired can tax me too much...

Blogging from Helsinki...

Found a computer and everything...

Last night and this morning were so busy, that it is good that I remembered to pack my toothbrush.

But oh, Oh, OOhhHhhh.... A 6 hour bus ride, no possibility of going to the bathroom, hunger, boredom...

And WOW, Helsinki is LOUD!!!

There is even a TV here, so I won't miss Olivia baybe, tonight!!! Yeah...

Of course, if I had a life, I would be out on the town, but I actually did not sleep last night so it is unlikely that I would stay awake long enough to even get to the club... I am such a bore...

Ah fun! Regardless... Now lessee, I have the smileys in my email... Let me go choose one...


It's World AIDS Day...

And I ponder about how the world has changed in the past 20 to 25 years or so...

What I find most shocking, is that it seems that heterosexuals still view pregnancy as the worst side effect of unprotected sex... Talk about a 'Sexually Transmitted Disease' that is one of the simplest ones to cure... Of course the emotional repercussions are not simple, but still... It is mind boggling...

I am old enough, to have lived through the worst part of the emergence of the AIDS epidemic, to have grown up with the fear, kind of like my parents worried about nuclear war...

I have had 3 close friends, die of the disease... All were ridiculously young, wonderfully vibrant and I still miss them...

Two years ago, I needed a blood transfusion to save my life and received 2 or 3 units of whole blood, and though I know that nowadays, blood is screened, scalded and tested, the fear that I experienced during the transfusion, was telling...


Gotta go pack!

Ooo, bedtime!

Ack, too much to do, traveling is over rated, I prefer destinations...

Sitting for endless hours in planes, trains or automobiles is just not my thing...

And oh! Jorja got some air time tonight, more close ups now that they have split the group up, Marg is not dominating the camera time as much.

Hot, hot, hot!

To bed I go!!

More snow!

Heh... I hide out in my little studio thing, away from my main house, as I really do need the space to hear my own thoughts and to commune with my belly button...

So, in an effort to be efficient, I have a chemical toilet outside... So that every time I have to pee, I don't have to go for a hike.

Right now, I had to dig it out of 6 inches of snow, and got a flurry of snow up my shirt for my trouble, but at least there is no problem getting the waterworks started... Heh...

In summer, running the gauntlet of mosquitos adds to my fun... Country life, gotta love it!

Too busy...

Wow, a lot of snow fell during the night and for some reason, things tend to happen in handfuls...

I could have sworn I wrote an entry here this morning, but it seems I dreamt that I did...

CSI is just starting, whohoo! Hey, Sebastian Roché is in this episode, he is an actor that I really like...

Heh... I am also impressed that I found my overnight bag, I have not used it since August of last year when I ran away to Holland to escape for a week...

Ooops, gotta go, Jorja is on TV...


I just read on the website of one of my FAVORITE musicians, that she will be in France early next year...

Ooo, I just might have to somehow get myself to France... Don't know how, right now, but things have a way of working out if one is patient.

And she is doing several gigs...

The artist is named Patricia Barber, ( and has a voice and a style that somehow takes me to another level... Oh and how she plays the piano, sensual...

Fun thoughts to go to bed with... As is the thought that tomorrow is CSI night, baybe!

Still need to finalise my new story, hopefully tomorrow...

And it's evening...

Nothing quite like washing dog-bedding on a cold, humid day... Then washing the dog, seeing as how he was covered in hare juices...

My puppy was mad at me though, as I refused to feed him all day, he actually managed to eat most of the hare before my parents managed to take it away from him...

So he had plenty to eat today, tomorrow he can have kibble once more.

So now I must wait a few days and then worm him, yuck...

Anyway, I have been shuffling about like an old woman today, hurting, but it is a good hurt... All in all...

That's what I am trying to convince myself of anyway...

Currently, I am trying to think of my next slide show project and doing as little as possible...