It can't rain all the time... New Post!


Yep, I hurt today, but the good news is that my back does not hurt more than it should, which means it is ok...

I actually have badly healed screwed up disks in it, so whenever I exercise (which is almost daily) I am hypersensitive to my back and how it is reacting to things...

Anyway, I must have been tired last night, I slept 12 hours straight, (Or is that gayly forward?) and I rarely do anything like that.

Today, when I went to the house, I discovered from my parents who are staying with me right now, that my puppy can actually catch things, namely a full grown hare which he ran down while it was going full tilt.

Wow... But then, he reminds me a little of a greyhound, all legs and sleek lines... Funny puppy...

I just need to make sure he does not chase cats or anything domesticated...


I wrote a wee story...

Tomorrow I shall stick it on the web and share, but now I HAVE to go to bed, as I feel half dead, or is that half alive?

Well, there is no point in being a pessimist, it wouldn't work anyway...


Sigh, and not even a teddy bear to keep me company in my bed, though I'd probably toss it out...

On an up note, tomorrow is Wednesday, which means as soon as I get Tuesday out of the way, CSI baybe!


Oh, God!

Ow, ow, ow...

Save me!

There is nothing quite like trying to keep up with someone half your age... And I am the black belt, so I can feel no pain, even when it hurts... And soon I will be sparring with my little student, more pain, no doubt...

The things we do for sport and for fun...

Ooo, I hurt, hurt, hurt...

I need Mariska and Jorja to kiss it all better, right away!!

On a happy note, I bought more coffee! Now I have a stash of it, should be ok for a while, whew...

Still no new Madonna album in the mail!!

I am also getting the new Enya album, out of habit andbecause I like her, I was a fan back in 1986, before she was anyone really, before Orinoco Flow...

Orinoco Flow... Sounds like a brand of Japanese tampons...

Oh I need a massage, ow!!


You know, the heading of this entry is actually a phonetic spelling of the noise I just made?

Excuse me while I go adjust my coffee IV...

Ah, well at least it is not cold, so going to town won't be SUCH a drag, but still, icky poo...

And after this scintillating entry, off I go!

Oh no!

Carol got hit by a car today on WITB!!

Oh dear!!

She needs someone to kiss it all better... I volunteer!!!


Well, I have to go to town tomorrow, to tutor a student and to buy body lotion... Fascinating, I know...

Ohh, I am tired, I suppose I should haul my bones off to bed soon... And I have to be in the city, (Helsinki) next weekend... I hope I am not tired then, might make a bad impression, nodding off in a meeting...

Ok, I will go to bed, I will not stay up all night... I will go to bed, step away from the coffee machine...


Yes, I actually have lived in Australia, but it was a long time ago now, however, I did learn some key etymology and phraseology...

Anyway, time for my day, which includes things that I do not want to do and want no part of, but what to do, eh?

Carol Jordan tonight... Yay!

I made this little clip yesterday, this is another artist that catches my eye from time to time:

Time to go make more coffee...


Oooo, Wire in The Blood tomorrow, Carol Jordan with her: Do I kiss you or kill you attitude... Ooooo...

Think I'll have pasta for breakfast, won't that be fun?

Actually I can't, as I normally eat just once a day with something small to tide me over with my coffee in the morning...

If I am going to be doing a hard workout or if I am going climbing or working outside or something, I will eat more in the morning, but usually I pack in calories once a day...

My Puppy thinks snow is great, it is his new favorite thing, he has also learned to play football with me, which is an improvement to him sitting on my feet... Alas, he still does not know how to fetch my slippers or my morning coffee... Oh well, all in good time...

Yawwwwn! Time for bed...

Pasta and painting...

Well, I look like a strangely spotted lesbian again, but the pasta was good... And I made enough to last me for days... It will be even better tomorrow, when the spices have had time to properly infuse into the sauce...

Enough snow fell today for me to think that it might be time to start shoveling, or I could just make a snow-lesbian and use the snow from the pathways as my material...

How would one make a snow-lesbian anyway?

Would sensible shoes do it? Perhaps a mohawk?

LOL... I'll just make it rainbow coloured, food colouring has many uses... And maybe a placard with the words:

I'm here, I'm queer, I'm made of snow, deal with it!


mmmmmm coffeeeeee

It's snowing, suddenly it looks like winter outside, except it is still very warm, almost balmy... But my coffee is good, I did not oversleep and today feels promising...

I have made another slide show, this time in a more abstract bent: I admire his work and well, as we have established, I have a thing for women.

I was supposed to go to a training camp today with one of my students, but unfortunately it fell through, sigh... So, instead I go paint and I go make pasta!