• Rain


It's World AIDS Day...

And I ponder about how the world has changed in the past 20 to 25 years or so...

What I find most shocking, is that it seems that heterosexuals still view pregnancy as the worst side effect of unprotected sex... Talk about a 'Sexually Transmitted Disease' that is one of the simplest ones to cure... Of course the emotional repercussions are not simple, but still... It is mind boggling...

I am old enough, to have lived through the worst part of the emergence of the AIDS epidemic, to have grown up with the fear, kind of like my parents worried about nuclear war...

I have had 3 close friends, die of the disease... All were ridiculously young, wonderfully vibrant and I still miss them...

Two years ago, I needed a blood transfusion to save my life and received 2 or 3 units of whole blood, and though I know that nowadays, blood is screened, scalded and tested, the fear that I experienced during the transfusion, was telling...


Gotta go pack!