Onko viharikokset unohdettu Suomessa? (juttukommentit)

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  • Pora-liike
  • 12.4.2008 12:01
Ihanko tosissaan uskoi ministerin lupaukseen. Missä viipyy ruoan alv-ale, vaikkapa.
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  • Krister
  • 14.4.2008 19:42

ETYJ:n puitteissa on käsitelty homofobisia viharikoksia, alla tietoja viime vuonna julkaistusta raportista. Työministeriön toimesta aihetta on pohdittu, mutta saa nähdä miten käy, kun syrjintäasiat on nyt keskitetty sisäministeriöön; samaan taloon kuin poliisijohto.


ODIHR Working Definition of Hate Crime
A) Any criminal offence, including offences against persons or property, where the victim,
premises, or target of the offence are selected because of their real or perceived
connection, attachment, affiliation, support, or membership with a group as defined
in Part B.
B) A group may be based upon a characteristic common to its members, such as real or
perceived race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental
or physical disability, sexual orientation, or other similar factor.

Pari sitaattia:

The problem of underreporting and under-documentation can partly be explained by the fact
that, out of 56 participating States, only 10 have reported to the ODIHR that they include sexual
orientation as grounds for bias and/or an aggravating circumstance within their national hate crime
legislation [p. 52]
-Suomi kuuluu maihin, joissa ilmeisesti hlbti –porukkaan ei kohdistu väkivaltaa; ehkä tilanne Stubbin myötä muuttuu, siis seuranta yms.

In the Russian Federation, an online poll among 35,000 users of the Qguys.ru website showed
that 26.5 per cent of respondents claimed to have suffered from physical violence due to their
sexual orientation at least once, whereas almost 40 per cent said they had suffered from
threats, blackmail, and psychological pressure. The percentages for provincial towns are higher
than for Moscow.322 [p. 53]