It can't rain all the time... New Post!

Näytetään bloggaukset marraskuulta 2005.

Found it!

Some thing, had crawled into my bathroom's outer wall, and died, probably a week or two ago... And the exceptionally warm and humid weather has cased it to rot, instead of mummify...

So I spent my day pulling out the wall, getting rid of stinking, contaminated itchy fibreglass and cleaning... Oh so un-fun...

However, the saving grace is that it was not hard to find, just follow the smell, and the area was not hard to get to, and so on... Also, we are having mild and warm weather, outer wall work in 20 degree below zero, is horrid...


And I am quite sure that something has crawled into my wall and died... Stink!

Now if I could only train my puppy, who is half blood hound, to find the little mouse/bat/bird...

I knew it was not my bathroom... There of course, could be something dead under the house and because it is so warm, the smell is seeping in somehow...

And today my right shoulder aches... I mean, aches!

Getting older sucks!

But right now I have my coffee and tonight I have, DCI Jordan... Oooo...

And tomorrow!

Comes Wire in The Blood!


In the meantime, today in a discussion, the topic of weather one is 'born' gay came up...

Wow, talk about tossing a fox into the chicken coop...

I wonder why people can't simply agree to disagree anyway?

And why are we so eager to label everything in order to understand it? Mystery is nice...

Just think of Olivia Benson in a bubble-bath, what it conceals rather than what it reveals captures out imagination... We only have an inkling, but that is what makes it all so sexy...

Owh lah lah!

Oh wait, Olivia Benson could be wearing a bulky Michelin-Man space suit and she would be sexy...

But you get my meaning, eh?

And I no longer feel so, off... Yeehaw!


Nothing quite like feeling sick to ones stomach to kind of put a damper on ones day...

I have no idea what I did do, or what I did not do, but something has turned me guts all upside down...

Anyway, been making mp3s and taking it easy, but am starting to think that maybe I should go to bed... Or something...

We shall see...

Saturday, Saturday!

Coffee, must have coffee...


Ohey, Total Recall is on TV tonight, it's a fun movie, kind of silly, but still fun...

But I have a thing for Sharon Stone... And Ahhhnold is enough of a doofus that he can be amusing, even though he is a political nightmare...

Anyway, the first movie I saw that had lesbian content in it was Basic Instinct... But then I was a Baby Dyke in a very conservative part of a not very liberal country...

Nowadays, Australia is much more open and even the place in Australia where I grew into my lesbian britches is not suffering from such a massive recalibration of its sphincter to maximum retention...

But way back when, it was actually illegal to be gay... Which is absurd... Might as well make it illegal to be left handed, or something...


It has been a most amusing day...

Starting with more calendar pictures this morning...

*blink blink*

And then progressing to the gradual insanity of the day; thank god it's 'le weekend'...

However my mood is good, even superb... Yay!

I did mention the part about Olivia Benson being a BABE, right?

Hot damn: She could say that linoleum is sexy and it would be true...

Hmmm mmmm!

Mariska, aka Olivia, is HOT!

I feel so juvenile, but one would have to be kind of dead not to see it...

The show was also very good, but then again, I am biased towards Law&Order in general, though I found the Criminal Intent Franchise to be quite irritating...

Was the guy's name Goran? Anyway, he was a freak... and the female detective, simply did not get enough screen time...

But I'm a horny toad...


Iiiiiit's Olivia Benson night!

Yee haw!


Well ok, there is also Without A Trace tonight, but that is only fun when Samantha darling interacts with the resident FBI Shrink, Dr. Lisa Harris...

Whenever I see the two of them interacting, I am like: Will you two just kiss and get it over with?!?


Unproductive, but who cares?

Finally managed to find a mp3 encoder that was not such a huge hassle... In that regard Macintosh is superior... Finding something to simply convert tracks from a CD to mp3 and not offer to cook me breakfast and massage my feet as well, ack!

It was fun though, after I downloaded it, I realised that the software designer was Finnish! Yay!

So, now I am happily making my own in-computer song lists...

Later that same day...

Yes, I have been abducted... Or everyone has been taken by the pod-people, or something...


Hmmm, you know...

Truth is indeed stranger than fiction... Maybe this should be my new career? But...

It has to be Karma... In a few hours I should be able to blink enough to once more be witty and pretty and gay on this blog...

LOL - Surreal World