It can't rain all the time... New Post!

Näytetään bloggaukset marraskuulta 2005.

~ and then the lesbian said ~

So, I can't find any Wire in The Blood clips, but no matter, there's always Star Trek Voyager... Ooo, the women of Star Trek...

Yes, I know, Major Geek, just wait, I might do a Babylon 5 one too, I mean I could not really stand the show, but Susan Ivanova and Talia Winters were sure fun to watch... Smokin'!

Is there a pattern immerging here?

Rain + Women on TV + Imagination = Oooo, drool...

However, only some women...

Just standing around looking pretty is not doing it for me, I am not into ornamental women... Or plastic ones...


Okay then!

I got a friend to upload the movie files into some thingie...

Uh, file hosting thingie... I know, very technical...

Anyway, the two movies I made can now be viewed online, versus having to fight with your inbox... I also made an account there... So expect more! I have an idea for an L Word movie... Oooo... heh...

CSI - - I want to be Jorja's bed...

SVU - - And Mariska's soap...

So anyway, remembering to set my alarm clock, to bed I go!


What happens when one forgets to set ones alarm clock after a long night of computing?

One sleeps until 4pm...

I don't think I have done that in ten years...


On an up-note, I have managed to compress my Olivia video into something between 8 and 9 MBs which seems to work just fine for sending as an email...

Yay... Later tonight I will work on a CSI one, I think I've created a monster, a Lesbian monster...



It would seem that most people to not have the capacity to receive a 15MB file...

Ah, Finland has spoiled me when it comes to email...

Now I just need to figure out how to make this file smaller, or how to compress it more, or something...

Oh well, I shall go to bed and think about it in my dreams, where hopefully I will also be Olivia Benson's soap...

Cinema del Rain

So, tonights instalment of SVU prompted me to dig out my movie maker and make a short movie of Olivia baybe, using clips from the show and Santana's 'She's Not There'...

You know, the song that was playing when Geena Davies was taking her shower in The Long Kiss Goodnight...

Pahdon me while I trip over my tongue...

Anyway, I have no way of hosting it, or I would love to share, but hey, if you wanna see it, I can always email it...

Ah, well... Now I must go and actually work for a while, sheesh, the noive!

More painting!

OOooo, fumes!

Heh, I also gotta do some laundry, how boring eh?

Well, I do like clean clothes, there was a time in my life, over ten years ago when I did not have regular access to a washing machine, one learns to appreciate small things like that when one has been deprived of them...

Anyway, off I go, tralalalaaaaa...


It's Friday, and Olivia WILL be on TV tomorrow!

I know, I am so predictable, always harping on about 4 or 5 beautiful women on TV, but can you blame me? I am, after all, a Big Honking Lesbian (tm), lol...

On another note, one would pretty much have to be sans a pulse, to not find Mariska (Olivia) at least worthy of a second look...

Speaking of women worth a second or tenth look, I do hope that Finnish TV picks up Witchblade...

Now let me tell you, Yancy Butler is not just hot, but damn hot! And she has a voice that causes me to have a minor meltdown...



I am still waiting for delivery of her new album, I live in the boonies, it takes less time for me to order one in the mail, than to find a day to go to town etc. and hunt one down...

However, I did find a good sample of the Hung Up! single...

Very disco, on a good stereo system this could be a lot of fun...

It will be interesting to hear the complete album...

Maybe I will be able to see her on tour next year, though I have other artists I would give preferential treatment, to, but we shall see...

Coffee, must have coffee...

Except my coffee tastes like paint thinner, ack!

Nothing ok TV tonight; though Alias was good when they had the character 'Lauren Reed'... OOoooo the sparks that flew between Sydney and Lauren, damn those two just so needed to get-it-on and forget all abut Michael!

But I digress...

Nowadays I can't stand Alias... *sigh*

Well, must go and paint, and sniff fumes...