It can't rain all the time... New Post!

Näytetään bloggaukset lokakuulta 2005.

And all that Jazz...

Living in the boonies certainly comes with it's advantages, for certain... But it also comes with not-so-great features...

I miss Jazz and Blues clubs, cafe-life and cappuccino...

Opera, theatre, dancing and bookstores!

But then, here I can view the night sky unpolluted by city lights, I can hear silence and I can make coffee from lake water, without worrying that it is tainted by heavy metals or chemicals.

Maybe I just need a short vacation in the city?

I also miss women; really this is the music talking, Jazz always makes me wax the philosophical and not so well either...

It's cold outside...

All of a sudden, I have a buggy computer... Need to spray it with RAID or something; or maybe I will simply defenestrate it...

I really dunno what it up with it, none of my security programs finds anything wrong, the registry looks normal, the boot manager is not showing a crowd at start up and whatever, but I supose it is innevitable.

Who knew that computers had puberty, but then, before this, I used Macintosh, so the PC world though familiar, was never something that I paid much attention to.

If it was a woman, I could ease its ills and soothe it so that it would cooperate with me...

Saturday... Anything on TV today? No...

But tomorrow, we have Wire in The Blood and let me just say, Detective Inspector Carol Jordan can wrap her legs around me and squeeze anytime she likes!

no subject here - nothing to see - just move along

So today my fun was installing new virus software, the ensuing conflict between the old and the new was very metaphorical...

Old Virus Software: "Luke, I am your father..."

New Virus Software: "No, oh no, why didn't you tell me that Bill Gates is my father!"

I even have a force quit for my computer, which came in handy today when I had to find a pin and do that, however things seem to be fine now. Hopefully...

However, I got the old stuff removed, mostly, and the new stuff installed, mostly, but really, it would be so much easier if this machine could read my mind.

Alas, it can not... Silly thing...

Olivia Benson did not make much of a showing tonight on TV, so I was forced to ignore the episode as it was raining men.

And now back to the battle between the virus softwares...

Ungh... Morning... bleh...

It should be criminal to have to get up in the morning, and I had to do it twice today...

Well anyway, in just a few days, winter will no doubt start, it almost snowed last night, I don't really mind, I just wish that the winter season was not so long.

Today, I will watch Olivia Benson c/o Law & Order: SVU strut her stuff late at night, so at least that will brighten an otherwise rather drab day.

It would be great, if mainstream TV actually had the jewels to show a broader spectrum of sexuality... And to show it in a more 'laissez faire' sort of way.

Not that there is anything wrong with OZ or The L Word, or Queer As Folk and so on, Six Feet Under, but if even in passing, it was dealt with in regular TV, it would be grand...

Tralalaaa... Off I go...

... here once more

So anyway, after a day of staring at computer screens, how do I come home and stare at my own computer screen?

Possibly because I really like my own computer screen...

Hell, my computer even has a name, I am such a dork.

I need to workout; with the onset of Autumn, I have let myself slip and as I sit here, being a vegetable and dreaming of Tahiti and women in bikinis, I feel like a blob.

And so, into the night I go, with Jazz to soothe my soul...

computer tech.

So this morning I get some rather panic-ridden statements from my parents that one of their computers has a worm, I only barely resisted asking them if they planned to go fishing with it.

I am amused, mostly, that I have somehow been relegated as IT support for my entire family, well except for my brother, who is a true geek in his own right...

Oddly enough, what I actually know about computers would not take up much space, rather my hands-on ability to take care of them is where I shine, apparently.

So, off I go to play in the infected hardrives of my family-verse.

But before I leave the sanctuary of the morning, I will try and see if this blog accepts html; nope, it does not...

No matter... Off to face the day with me!


Ah wow, William Shatner still can't act! ACK!!

Boston Legal, huh?

The possibilities for girl on girl action in this show is quite significant, pity that TV does not actually delve into such things...

Ah but the possibilities are endless, especially with all these coifed, polished, made up, plastic women...


Funny days are here again...

Some silly friend of mine forwarded the followig link to me... Not that I am jaded or anything, but after so many years online, I am only occasionally amused enough to actually laugh at this stuff...

The coffee was good this morning and the day is promicing to be crisp and clear, I should go throw my Virveli and see if any late season Pike are biting... Or maybe I will go freeze to death trying to climb something, it always garners a nice audience of people who don't get it...

"Why is that woman climbing that rock-face...?"

As Edmund Hillary would say: Because it is there...