Jyväskylä: Vinokino - glbt -film festival arrives to town on 8th & 9th Nov 08

Vinokino, traditional Finnish glbt -film festival lands to Jyväskylä for two days on 8th and 9th November 2008.

Ticket prizes:
á 6€, members 5€
20€ / 4 movies
25€ / 7 movies

Place: multi-purpose space Ilokivi
Address: Keskussairaalantie 2, Jyväskylä


Sat 8th Nov

Ticket sales starts at 11 AM.

12.00 – 13.30 Love and Other Disasters, France / UK, 2006 MF

14.00 – 16.00 Before I Forget, France, 2007 M

16.20 – 18.00 Collection of female short movies F

*Mass at the City church in the city centre at 7 -8 PM.

*Club Closet -movie special 10 PM - 03 AM at Restaurant Ilokivi. Tickets 3-6 €. 2 floors, 2 DJs: pophits, eurodance, 70 disco extravaganza

Sun 9th Nov

Ticket sales starts at 12 PM.

13.00-14.30 Suddenly, Last Winter, Italy, 2008 MF

15.00-16.30 Collection of male short movies M

16.50-18.30 Drifting flowers, Taiwan, 2008 F
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt6tzpSX ... re=related

19.00-20.20 She's a Boy I Knew , Canada, 2007 T

M Male
F Female
MF for both
T Trans

NOTE! All the films spoken or subtitled in English
