Vetoomus Latvian Priden puolesta
Ranneliikkeen ylläpidon luvalla julkistan tämän vetoomuksen.
Tasa-arvon toteutuminen Latviassa on uhattuna. Viranomaiset ovat
kieltäneet seksuaalivähemmistöjen Riga Pride 2005 -tapahtuman lauantaina 23.7.2005.
Vastaava Pride sallittiin Romaniassa valtaisan kansainvälisen sähköpostivyöryn ansiosta alkukesällä. Latvialaiset vetoavat nyt meihin, että lähettäisimme pikaisesti sähköpostia Latvian pääministerille ja Riian
kaupunginjohtajalle. Heidän nimensä ja osoitteensa:
Aigars Kalvitis
Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia
36 Brivibas Boulevard
Riga LV 1520 Latvia
+371-708-2810. Fax: +371-728-5943
Eriks Skapars
Executive Director of the Riga City
Ratslaukums 1
Riga LV 1539 Latvia
Keskeisin ILGAn tiedotteen kohta suomeksi:
Kaksi viikkoa ennen tapahtumaa Latvian luterilaisen ja katolisen kirkon edustajat, eräät Latvian parlamentin jäsenet, Latvian First Party ja jotkut äärioikeistolaiset, kansallismieliset järjestöt (Club 415 ja Union of Nationa Force) aloittivat kiivaan vihakampanjan LGBT-ihmisiä vastaan, vaatien Rigan kaupunginjohtajaa peruuttamaan jo myönnetyn luvan Pride-paraatin pitämiseksi Latvian pääkaupungissa. He uhkasivat myöskin massiivisella häiriköinnillä ja aikovat myös estää Pride-kulkueen. Alkuun Rigan kaupunginjohtaja kieltäytyi peruuttamasta lupaa, todeten Pride-kulkueen järjestäjien täyttäneen kaikki vaatimukset.
Tästä huolimatta keskiviikkoaamuna Latvian pääministeri Aigars Kalvitis antoi tiedotteen:
”Minä hallituksen päämiehenä en voi hyväksyä sitä, että seksuaaliset vähemmistöt pitävät paraatia keskellä pääkaupunkiamme aivan Dom Katedraalin vieressä. Tämä ei ole hyväksyttävää. Latvian valtio perustuu kristillisille arvoille. Me emme voi mainostaa asioita, joita yhteiskuntamme enemmistö ei pidä hyväksyttävänä.”
Samana päivänä pääministerin tiedotteen jälkeen Rigan kaupunginjohtaja peruutti Pride-kulkueen luvan.
Tarkempi selostus asiasta on alla englanniksi. Nyt on toiminnan aika!
Vedotaan pääministeriin ja kaupunginjohtajaan tasa-arvon toteutumiseksi ja levitetään sanaa asiasta.
Lähetän pääministerille ja kaupunginjohtajalle seuraavan viestin, jota voi vapaasti kopioida.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis
Copy: Riga City Executive Director Eriks Skapars
Dear Sir,
Your country has developed fast. We here in Finland were proud that Latvia joined the European Union, a great family of European nations. We understood that human rights and equality is guaranteed to all of your citizens.
Sir, your announcement on last Wednesday about the Riga Pride 2005 parade and its cancellation by Riga City Executive Director Eriks Skapars is not acceptable in a civilised European country.
I kindly ask you and Mr. Eriks Skapars to allow the Riga Pride 2005 parade as planned on July 23rd. I ask your government to guarantee the safety of the participants.
Finland, 21st July 2005
ILGA Europen tiedote:
20.07.2005. - 19:34:00
The first Latvian Pride, which is supposed to happen on July 23 is under a threat!
Therefore, we all need your support, please.
In the beginning of July 2005, the Latvian Gay and Lesbian Youth Support Group obtain a permission from Eriks Skapars, the Riga City Executive Director to organise a Pride March through the central Riga to celebrate the first ever LGBT Pride in Latvian history.
Two weeks before the event, representatives of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran and Catholic Churches, various members of the Latvian parliament, Latvian First Party and several extremist right-wing nationalistic organisations (Club 415 and Union of National Force) initiated a hysterical hate campaign against LGBT people and demanded the Riga City Executive Director to cancel earlier issued permission for LGBT Pride to march through the Latvian capital. They also threatened to organise mass disorder events and to block the Pride March. Initially the Riga City Executive Director refused to cancel his permission and explained that all requirements for the Pride March were provided by the organisers. However in the morning of 20 July, Aigars Kalvitis, the Latvian Prime Minister came out with the following statement:
I, as a head of the government, cannot accept that a parade of sexual minorities takes places in the middle of our capital city next to the Dom Cathedral. This is not acceptable. Latvia is a state based on the Christian values. We cannot advertise things which are not acceptable to the majority of our society.
On the same day, following the Prime Minister’s statement, the Riga City Executive Director annulled his permission for the LGBT Pride March explaining that his decision is not discriminatory against LGBT people and purely motivated by the security reasons.
On the same day the Gay and Lesbian Youth Support Group, with a support from the lawyers of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Study, submitted a complaint to the Administrative Court against the Riga City Executive Director’s annulment of their previous permission for the Pride March and it is expected the Administrative Court might deliver their judgement by Friday, 22 July 2005. In case the Administrative Court does not overturn the decision of the Riga City Executive Director to annul the permission for the Pride March, the organisers are planning to exhaust all necessary court instances in Latvia and to submit a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg.
Despite the outrageous ban, motivated by hysteric homophobic campaign, and real and serious threats of violence, the organisers decided not to obey and to go ahead with all planned events, including the Pride March. In case annulment will not be overruled by the Administrative Court, the organisers might be charged with up to 100 LVL (150 Euros) administrative penalties and the police might stop the Pride March. Other main events of the first Latvian Pride include:
• conference on the issues of homosexuality and human rights, homosexuality and the church, and homophobia. It will take place in the building of the Latvian Integration Ministry at 11.OO on 23 July 2005, Blaumana iela 5a, 5th floor.
• Ecumenical service at the Anglican Church of Riga at 17.00, Anglikanu iela 2, old town.
At the same time, according to the Latvian Radio, a permission to organise their anti-gay event was issued by the Riga City Executive Director to the Club 415.
Gay and Lesbian Youth Support Group is outraged by the decision of the Riga City Executive Director to cancel his permission for the Pride March and shocked by the offensive and humiliating statements by various Latvian politicians and representatives of the Latvian churches and right-wing extremist nationalistic organisations. We are very sad that in the XXI century in the country which became a member of the European Union over a year ago, the politicians and state authorities feel comfortable to express and support extreme homophobic statements and do not take any action to provide security, honour and rights to Latvian LGBT people. Pride March ban by the Riga City Executive Director is shocking and demonstrates that democracy in Latvia is still very fragile. This situation also shows that hate and prejudice are well and alive in Latvia
Therefore we call upon all of you not just to read this news but to take action and to disseminate this news and to express your outrage and protest against state-supported homophobia and to demand that the Riga City Executive Director cancel his ban on the first ever Pride March in Riga. We also ask you to write your protest e-mails and letters to the Latvian Prime Minister and demand his apology as well as asking him to use his position and influence to allow the Pride March.
Aigars Kalvitis
Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia
36 Brivibas Boulevard
Riga LV 1520 Latvia
Eriks Skapars
Executive Director of the Riga City
Ratslaukums 1
Riga LV 1539 Latvia
For more information in English please contact:
Juris Lavrikovs
Information and Communication Officer of ILGA-Europe (European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association, currently in Riga)
tel: + 371 672 4941
More information about Riga Pride 2005 at
For your information: