
Hej! Onko täällä runouden ystäviä? Itse en voi elää ilman sitä. Ajattelin vain että onko teillä mitään lempi (gay) runojlijoita. Kyse voi olla Sapphosta Bonoon. Runojlijan suuntautumisella ei ole väliä. Kyse on itse runoudesta. Samaistun vaikkapa Byronin teksteihin kun hän kuvaa naista (aah...) vaikkakin tämä oli hetero mies:
"She walks in beauty like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies, And all thats best of dark and bright meets in the aspect of her eyes..."
*kuolaa, kuolee,pyörtyy kuolemisen jälkeen*
Bono: "she's a candle burning in my room..."
Ja vielä siunattu Sappho:" Olet kuin suloinen pieni tyttö jonka kerran näin poimivan kukkia..." *kuolee jälleen*. Jos muuten googlaatte sanat Isle of Lesbos niin löydätte sivun jossa on lesbisten ja bisexuaalisten naisten runoutta Sapphosta eteenpäin. Suosittelen sitä lämpimästi. Ja nyt hyvät ihmiset citeeratkaa runojlijoita/lyriikkaa joka on teille tärkeää ja lähellä sydäntä (ja auttoi teitä ulos kaapista ;)!) Tehdään maailma kauniimmaksi!
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  • Heavymies
  • 18.4.2005 0:59
"Satan rejected my soul" by Morrissey

Satan rejected my soul
He knows my kind
He won’t be dragged down
He’s seen my face around
He knows heaven doesn’t seem
To be my home
So I must find
Somewhere else to go
So I must find
Somewhere else to go
So, take it - please
It’s free
You’ll never see
You’ll never see
All the fun in life it’s cost me
Satan rejected my soul
As low as he goes
He never quite goes this low
He’s seen my face around
He knows heaven doesn’t seem
To be my home
So I must find
Somewhere else to go
So I must find
Somewhere else to go
So, take it please
It’s really sly
Come on, come on, ah
Come on, come on, come on
Take it please
It’s really sly
Come on, come on, ah
Come on, come on, come on
Call me in
Pull me in, call me in
Come on, come on, oh
Come on, come on, come on
Pull me in, pull me in
Call me in, haul me in, pull me in
Come on, come on, ah
Come on, come on
La la la la la
Oh ...
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  • Rokkihomo
  • 18.4.2005 13:23
...Morrisseyn "I have forgiven Jesus"
on myos tutustumisen arvoinen. Viimeisimmalta, viime vuonna ilmestyneelta levylta "You are the Quarry", joka mielestani taitaa olla - ehka yllattaen - Mozin paras soololevy.
The Cure: Just Like Heaven

Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream she said
The one that makes me laugh she said and threw her arms around my neck
Show me how you do it, and I'll promise you, I'll promise that I'll run away with you, I'll run away with you

Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
and dreamed of all the different ways I had to make her glow
Why are you so far away? she said
Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you, that I'm in love with you

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream
You're just like a dream

Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes
And found myself alone alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Just like heaven
Ani Difrancon Overlap :

I search your profile for a translation
I study the conversation like a map
'cause I know there is strength
in the differences between us
and I know there is comfort
where we overlap

Come here
stand in front of the light
stand still
so I can see your silhoutte
I hope
that you have got all night
'cause I'm not done looking yet

Each one of us
wants a piece of action
you can hear it in what we say
you can see it in what we do
we negotiate with chaos
for some sense of satisfaction
if you won't give it to me
at least give me a better view

Come here
stand in front of the light
stand still
so I can see your silhoutte
I hope
that you have got all night
'cause I'm not done looking yet

I build each one of my songs out of glass
so you could see me inside them I suppose
or you could just leave the image of me
in the background I guess
and watch your own reflection superimposed

I build each one of the days out of hope
and I give that hope your name
and I don't know you that well
but it don't take much to tell
either you don't have the balls
or you don't feel the same

come here
stand in front of the light
stand still
so I can see your silhoutte
I hope
that you have got all night
'cause I'm not done looking yet

I search your profile for a translation
and I study the conversation like a map
'cause I know there is strength
in the differences between us
and I know there is comfort
where we overlap
amata mishi
toyo no misogi no
morobito ni
kimi shi mo mono wo
omowasuru kana
Kan'yu Hoshi
shirase baya
hono mishi hana no
omokage ni
tachi sou kumo no
mayou kokoro wo
Sensai Shonin
Ja kaikkein kaunein:

kimi yue ni
omoi irinuru
miyamabe no
tani no kokoro wa
fukaki towo shire
Sangi Takasue (Fujiwara)
Voi, Martin, uumoilen tuosta loytyvan jotakin ytimekkaasti oivaltavaa ja samalla kaunista, kuten tuon "genren" siita materiaalista, jonka sisallosta jotakin olen pystynyt tavoittamaan.

Eli lieko kaannetty suameks -?

- - -

"Minapa en kotkia pelkaa
sanoi muurahainen janikselle"

(Kai Nieminen: Oudommin kuin unessa, 1977)
ooh... j-rokkia.(vai?)... Tiedätkö yhtään mitä ne laulun sanat tarkoittavat?? Oma japanini on vähän ruostunut... XP
Kenenpä ei olisi! (...).
Toivottavasti kuitenkin runojen toinen sanoma meni perille!

Tuosta huolimatta suomennos yhteen:

"Monista ihmisistä, jotka näin
pyhässä puhdistusseremoniassa,
vain Sinä,
liikutit sydäntäni."
...Ja Bashoa viela yhdella kotimaisella (eh-heh):

"An old pond!
A frog jumps in -
The sound of water."
"Kirsikankukkien puhjetessa täyteen loistoonsa toukokuun aurinkoisena päivänä kansanarmeija valtasi punalippujen liehuessa ankkkalammikon maaston". Moderni kiinalainen runo/tanssiteos...

Ok. Piruilua, mutta lukekaapa hyvät ihmiset Brittiläistä "Private Eye" -lehteä ja erityisesti sen sarjakuvaa "Life is grim in north London"...
Löydätte taatusti itsenne sieltä. Mukamas runoutta/taidetta ymmärtäviä taviksia, jotka yrittävät olla jotakin muuta kuin ovat.

Lukekaa mieluummin Rupert Brookea. Upeaa.
"Der Liebenden Herz hat Augen zu sehen
Was all die Schauenden nicht erspähen."
Äläs nyt Martin, pikku piruilua vaan muutamalla rivillä...

Ja mitä tuohon toisen kommenttiin tulee (Pete),
pistetäänpä siis vielä tällä ensimmäisellä kotimaisella Saarikosken versiona
vähän Sapfoa:

"minun mielestäni sinä olet
pieni ja suloton tyttö"
Juu! En tarkoitakaan kommenttiani ironisesti tai vihaisesti vaan iloisesti ja kirjaimellisesti!
no tää ois klassikko...

"Please Master"
by Allen Ginsberg

Please master can I touch your cheeck
please master can I kneel at your feet
please master can I loosen your blue pants
please master can I gaze at your golden haired belly
please master can I have your thighs bare to my eyes
please master can I take off my clothes below your chair
please master can I can I kiss your ankles and soul
please master can I touch lips to your hard muscle hairless thigh
please master can I lay my ear pressed to your stomach
please master can I wrap my arms around your white ass
please master can I lick your groin gurled with blond soft fur
please master can I touch my tongue to your rosy asshole
please master may I pass my face to your balls,
please master order me down on the floor,
please master tell me to lick your thick shaft
please master put your rough hands on my bald hairy skull
please master press my mouth to your prick-heart
please master press my face into your belly, pull me slowly strong thumbed
till your dumb hardness fills my throat to the base
till I swallow and taste your delicate flesh-hot prick barrel veined Please
Mater push my shoulders away and stare in my eyes, & make me bend over
the table
please master grab my thighs and lift my ass to your waist
please master your hand's rough stroke on my neck your palm down to my
please master push me, my feet on chairs, till my hole feels the breath of
your spit and your thumb stroke
please master make my say Please Master Fuck me now Please
Master grease my balls and hairmouth with sweet vaselines
please master stroke your shaft with white creams
please master touch your cock head to my wrinkled self-hole
please master push it in gently, your elbows enwrapped round my breast
your arms passing down to my belly, my penis you touch w/ your fingers
please master shove it in me a little, a little, a little,
please master sink your droor thing down my behind
& please master make me wiggle my rear to eat up the prick trunk
till my asshalfs cuddle your thighs, my back bent over,
till I'm alone sticking out, your sword stuck throbbing in me
please master pull out and slowly roll onto the bottom
please master lunge it again, and withdraw the tip
please please master fuck me again with your self, please fuck me Please
Master drive down till it hurts me the softness the
Softness please master make love to my ass, give body to center, & fuck me
for good like a girl,
tenderly clasp me please master I take me to thee,
& drive in my belly your selfsame sweet heat-rood
you fingered in solitude Denver or Brooklyn or fucked in a maiden in Paris
please master drive me thy vehicle, body of love drops, sweat fuck
body of tenderness, Give me your dogh fuck faster
please master make me go moan on the table
Go moan O please master do fuck me like that
in your rhythm thrill-plunge & pull-back-bounce & push down
till I loosen my asshole a dog on the table yelping with terror delight to be
Please master call me a dog, an ass beast, a wet asshole,
& fuck me more violent, my eyes hid with your palms round my skull
& plunge down in a brutal hard lash thru soft drip-fish
& throb thru five seconds to spurt out your semen heat
over & over, bamming it in while I cry out your name I do love you
please Master.
Depeche Mode-Master and Servant...nää kundit olivat aikaansa edellä

There’s a new game
We like to play you see
A game with added reality
You treat me like a dog
Get me down on my knees

We call it master and servant
We call it master and servant

It’s a lot like life
This play between the sheets
With you on top and me underneath
Forget all about equality

Let’s play master and servant
Let’s play master and servant

It’s a lot like life
And that’s what’s appealing
If you despise that throwaway feeling
From disposable fun
Then this is the one

Domination’s the name of the game
In bed or in life
They’re both just the same
Except in one you’re fulfilled
At the end of the day

Let’s play master and servant
Let’s play master and servant

Let’s play master and servant
Come on, master and servant