It can't rain all the time... New Post!

Daylight Savings

Never saved me anything, except that I feel like I am going mad as half the clocks and watches around me have not been set to the correct time yet...

As far as I remember, North America falls back an hour next weekend, but Australia has gone to summer time as we went to winter time.

Oh boy...

Better not make any calls this week, or I might catch someone asleep or something.

Speaking of sleep, why on earth do I feel so tired?

And today...

I am going to workout, well I actually workout almost every day, but some days I make a concentrated effort to feel the burn!

Tonight, Wire in The Blood will be on again, which will be fun for my inner 'Dawg' (Woof!) but also this show on MTV3, Wire...

It is gritty indeed, and makes me absurdly homesick, I used to live in a neighbourhood very much like the ones shown in the show. This was back when I was just a Baby Dyke, a lifetime ago...

Funny how the brain plays games, when I lived in 'da Hood' I could not wait to get away, but once gone, I saw that there were up-sides to it, namely, a distinct lack of B.S. and a certain code of 'honor among thieves', that if you did not disturb or insult, would extend to you, even if you were not part of it.

But I am getting all sentimental here...

The lovely, edible and incredible Carol Jordan on WITB, apparently flirted with a lesbian relationship in college, according to a rumour I heard about the books that the TV series is based on.

Yeah baybe!


I just heard a snippet from Madonna's new single, can't wait for her album to be released!

I want to go dancing...

For all the Country Charms this area provides, it does not provide dancing. Hearing Madonna's latest reminded me of the clubs I used to go to....

I remember at one they had a Madonnathon; I mean it went from 8 PM to 5 AM, or something like that anyway.

Anyway, I ended up dancing the night (and morning) away with a Transsexual who told me that I made her feel like a woman, as I was strong (and gallant) enough to twirl and dip her and did not seem to care about anything except dancing.

She was right... I love to dance...

Off into the night I go...

Though I seriously need to make a trip, maybe to Helsinki, and try get some of this restlessness out of my system!

Blah, the weather...

Muddy, icky...

Well, no doubt it will snow tomorrow, but I get this impression that the weather patterns have changed significantly even in the past 3 or so years that I have been back in Finland.

Mars is now as close as it will be to the Earth in until something like 2018...

I love the night sky, it soothes me on a day like to day when I feel deflated.

Of course, I'd rather have a different kind of soothing oftentimes, but right now the night is more than sufficient.

Saturday, baybe!

I slept well, the coffee was good, there was no moose-meat bearing neighbour running around and it is above freezing!

Maybe I will go scare the kids and go fishing while the water is still open?

Really, I am not a witch...

Moose-meat and mornings...

Ah, Friday!

Highlights of the day include: My morning coffee...

I am a coffee person, I love how it tastes, how it smells, that it is dark and warm. It's a big deal to me, and after 'Wein, Weib und Gesang...' it is a serious vice of mine...

Tonight Olivia Benson struts her stuff on TV again; they tell me there is some other woman on the show, but I have not really noticed her yet...

On another front, seems that my neighbour has bagged a moose, as he arrived this morning bearing a bloody bag of moose-meat.

My 6 month old puppy was overjoyed of course, silly hound!

Were it not for the fact that he is old enough, just about, to be my grandfather, I think I would feel like I was involved in some kind of Stone-Aged courting ritual.

And so, off I go into my surreal life...

Goulash tonight! Yum!!

Do I laugh or do I cry?

So, anyway, the story in a few words or less, is that I live in Rural Finland...

I also have always had a passion for outdoor life and outdoor activities, so I can hunt, hike, climb, fish, fell trees, chop wood, light fires without matches, etc. and so forth... Blah blah blah...

Now I am a city-girl, but I am and have always been drawn to the vast silences of the open wild...

Ok, enough about me, let's talk about a neighbour of mine, who recently had the following to say to me:

"Jos tädillä olis munat, täti olis setä..."

Implying, to put it bluntly, that 'if I had balls, I'd be a man', which of course, begs the question: WTF?

I suppose I dislike gender stereotypes, I know men who can cook, clean and iron much better than many women, and in my eyes it increases their masculinity, rather than does anything to detract from it.

Same with women, just because a woman can do something like, fish, hunt, chop wood, etc. does not make her more like a man, it makes her a more powerful woman.

Of course, my neighbour thinks I am a Catholic Nun on Sabbatical, which was a story I concocted after becoming tired of being asked about my husband/children/boyfriend and stuff like that.

It cracks me up that ANYONE could think I am a Nun, but eh, I suppose it looks good on a CV, hmmm?

(Though, come to think of it: I ain't gettin' nun... *sigh*)

The Latest Headlines

It's another day!

Today, my fun amusements included: Writing boring, dry, dreary letters to people, asking them to please pull their heads out of 'you know where' and please hurry it up...

You know:

To whom it may concern,

Though I am aware that 'Chronic Cranial-Rectal Impaction', is a valid condition for someone in your profession, would it be possible for you to dispense with the symptoms just for a little while?

Thanks ever so much...

A sarcastic lesbian from Siberia...

Now I need a vacation! I am starting to feel punchy!

"We are Dyslexic of Borg! Resistors are fertile! Prepare to have your arse laminated!"

(Shhh, I am Dyslexic, so I get to make fun!)