homofobiaa Indonesiassa

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  • Krister
  • 29.3.2010 13:27
ILGA Asia'n, kansainvälisen homo-, lesbo-, bi- & transihmisten järjestön Aasian osaston piti järjestää kokous Indonesiassa, paikalle oli tullut noin 150 osanottajaa 16 maasta. Paikallinen poliisi kuitenkin määräsi kokouksen peruutettavaksi, koska sen osallistujia uhattiin väkivallalla eikä poliiisi katsonut voivansa heitä suojata. Paikalliset muslimi aktivistit tunketuivat myös osallistujien hotellin vaatien heidän poistumistaan maasta. Osallistujat kuljetettiinkion lopulta poliisisaattueessa pois paikalta. Alla linkki UK Gay News'iin ja ILGA:n pääsihteerin lyhyt raportti tapahtumista.



Communication from ILGA, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association

Indonesian police ordered the cancellation of the ILGA Asia conference due to be held from this Friday 26 till Monday 29 March in Surabaya, East Java's capital.
The 150 activists representing 100 organizations in 16 Asian countries are all safe. They are being evacuated from the hotel where they gathered for the conference. They are presently being transferred to safe places.

Some background information

Today at 13.00, Surabaya time, a crowd of Muslim Fundamentalists entered the reception of the hotel demanding the police to chase the guests and cancel the conference.
Negotiation has been going on between the police, the hotel representatives and the organizing committee of the conference. It was eventually decided to cancel the event.
Regional ILGA Asia conferences were held in India, the Philippines and Thailand in the past. More information on the next steps to be taken will be given in the next days.

Renato Sabbadini
ILGA Co-Secretary General>>