I have been thinking of giving in and buying some eBooks (Electronic Books) as importing paper books takes so much time and is so expensive...
I did some calculations, and discovered that I can have 6 eBooks for the price of importing two paperbacks...
However, I am not very fold of reading on a computer, even though I do it a lot, so I am still deciding...
I do wish there was a book store or that there wee bookstores, carrying a significant selection of books in English around here. I love browsing a book store and flirting with the cashiers and finding the gay and lesbian section and making a big deal about searching through it just so all the straight people standing around will jump...
As of yet, I have found none... I mean sure, all of them have books in English, but coffee table cook-books and the top five New York Times bestsellers, are not what I had in mind...
Anyway, off to install my new dishwasher and washing machine, sometimes I swear my house is my mistress...
"Igor, fetch me a drain!"
"Yessssssss Mistresssssss, at onncceeee Mistressssss...."