• Rain

It's mad I tell you, mad!

More shopping! Acggghhhhhhgurglecoughagtgagaga!

My consolation prize is that CSI is on tonight! Yeah baybe!

Ok, so for the first 3 or 4 seasons, I thought Catherine Willows was da Bomb! I barely noticed Sara Sidle...

Now however, I am noticing 'Sara Baybe'. I think the producers and writers have done something to give Jorja Fox's character some more hubba, or something.

Not that Marg Helgenberger is at all shabby, I adored her in China Beach and she is a very attractive woman, but this season I seem to be noticing her less, and Jorja more.

Oh well...

Now I must go and recover my scattered wits, there is something insane about grocery shopping; I hate it, so I shop for like 2 or 3 weeks at a time, which always causes cashiers to cringe and other customers to stare at me...
