And I am feeling creative; a damn good thing too, as I have so-called homework to do (which at my age just sounds silly) and I have 2 or 3 unfinished stories to write, I need to finish making my house, yard and sheds winter-proof.
I also need to go shopping... snore ...
Don't get me wrong, I kind of like shopping, sometimes, but not when it's groceries and stuff.
Why do kids want to grow up so fast? Being an adult is fun, sure, but it is also a drag oftentimes...
Ah well, can't complain, but today I must workout though, as winter will make me into a blob if I let it...

2 kommenttia
26.10.2005 02:25
Dear Rain,
you must be speaking Queens English,British,it just don't feel American.Am I right?
26.10.2005 19:42
You are right! :)
I was educated in Australia, but I did live and work in the States for about a decade, so my diction is peppered with phraseology and etymology from both branches of the language...