Welcome to a new day, well it's almost over, well, not really, ok, so that is not a grammatically correct way of starting a sentence...
Reminds me of a job I had years ago...
I worked at a Zoo, and part of my job was to say:
"Welcome to The Zoo" Whenever a patron would walk up to me to ask me something...
Now, as you can imagine, I did not say this very often, and my main reason was that was that people were often leaving or had been at the Zoo for hours, before they came into contact with me... So it was just a stupid thing to say...
My supervisors disagreed, even when I went to lengths to explain to them how absurd it was, which probably did not help my position much...
Still, I think my English teacher from Grades 11 and 12 would have been proud of me. He was a total bastard, a right prick, but he was a superb English teacher, and for that, I was more than willing to put up with his... personality problems...
Madonna still has not arrived to my mailbox! Damn it! But if her album is like her Hung Up! single, I will like it just fine... One can't have serious music all the time...