So, I managed to upload the wee slide-show to music...
Because I made it for a friend, mainly for her enjoyment, I did not compress it as I did the others, so it may be slow to load/not load at all on slower machines...
Marg is a beautiful woman, truly, I have adored her since China Beach and in anything in between, but she is not one of my lust objects....
The end credits mention Aunty Rave, which is a private term of endearment between me and my friend, and by private, I mean what it signifies, not the actual name...
The Raven, BlackRaven and WarRaven are less personal nicknames/aliases of mine... As time goes by, no doubt I will be introducing more about The Raven to Rain's blog...
Anyway, I managed to make vaguely palatable coffee today, so I am mostly happy, but what IS it with this weather???
It's Friday! Olivia baybe!!! Whohoo!!