So I wake up, beat up my alarm clock, pull my 'lounge about' clothes on backwards and inside out, shuffle off to make coffee, run my hand through my 'Hair by Hoover', (Picture a hairdo that has been created using a vacuum cleaner...) and sit down at my Pet-PC...
There is a sheet mark imbedded on my face, I feel like gorilla has pitched a tent in my mouth (Don't cha just want to see me in the morning?) and what do you know?
Today, is the day when all my security software is ringing to be updated... I mean, why does it HAVE to be in the morning?
Moving right along... I am out of coffee!!! Darn little corner store does not stock espresso, the travesty!
Well, at least I'll have Jorja tonight... On TV that is...
Fucky, if I had her in real life, I'd probably giggle like an idiot and walk into a wall... Or maybe not... It all depends on how suave I was feeling...