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Towards an inclusive church?

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (about equivalent to the ELCA in America), of which I am a pastor, is now discussing in earnest how to proceed with its attitude towards its gay members. See http://www.evl.fi/kkh/ktk/partnership/index.html.

Seemingly as a part of this process, myself and my colleague Tomas Ray have had a complaint made against us to the Chapter of the Diocese of Porvoo (Finland) for taking a vociferous pro-gay stand. The complaint is nothing nearly as serious as what Bradley Schmeling is going through, but annoying, just the same. I've blogged about it, but (naturally) mainly in Swedish. http://karlafhallstrom.blogspot.com/2007/01/anmld-fr-dk.html http://karlafhallstrom.blogspot.com/2007/01/klagovisan.html http://karlafhallstrom.blogspot.com/2007/01/tidningsrapporter.html

In the neighbouring Diocese of Helsinki, pastor Leena Huovinen finds herself in hot water after allegedly marrying a lesbian couple. She says she blessed two persons, not a gay marriage, but the conservatives refuse to see the difference, and have lodged a complaint against her in the Chapter of Helsinki. http://karlafhallstrom.blogspot.com/2007/01/dk-anmlan-ocks-i-helsingfors.html

I have no personal fears as to the outcome of the process against me: I will be exonerated. Hopefully pastor Huovinen also will be. The process against her regards something she's actually done, while I'm held accountable for things I've said and written.

As to the process as a whole (i.e. the discussion in the church), I suspect that it in a couple of years will lead to an acceptance of gay partnerships (as the national law allows) and a permission (although not a requirement) for pastors to bless these partnerships. Personally I'd like to see an acceptance of homosexual marriage both in the Church and the State, but I'm afraid that's still some way off.